Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Famous People With Klinefelters

Did you know there are studies that show George Washington had several symptoms related to disorders like Klinefelter's? No children, hairless.

There is a famous model called Lili Elbi who suffered from Klinefelter's

Monday, February 24, 2014

Interview With Doctor Brad Fuller

I recently got in touch with Dr. Fuller to talk about Klinefelter's Syndrome. The following are some of what I consider interesting points.

How would you go about diagnosing Klinefelter's?

"Diagnosis comes around puberty, where there is lack of testes growth and no change in the voice. Other signs of puberty will still be present, but a few key ones will be missing. Hormone testing can also be effective for figuring out weather a patient has Klinefelter's Syndrome. If hormones like estrogen are being produced but don't get a response, the brain will produce more. If we can pick up on that, I'll recommend seeing an endocrinologist for hormone treatment."

How do testosterone injections work?

"An endocrinologist will administer periodic injections from early puberty on to try to allow more masculine traits to be more prominent."

Is there a mental portion to the disease?

"There is a possibility for learning disabilities. These don't usually affect IQ, but more often simply one area like speech or math."

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Great Support Orginizations

The following are helpful resources, stories and organizations about living with Klinefelter's Syndrome:

The KS Story "You are not alone"

Understanding Klinefelter Syndrome,: A Guide for XXY Males and their Families

AAKSIS The American Association for Klinefelter Syndrome Information and Support  

Genetic Alliance general genetic disorder group

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Thankfully, simple hormone treatments can be used to help affected men restore a more masculine appearance. According to Lee B. Cytogenics company in an article for the New York Times, this allows individuals to concentrate better, build muscle and reduce  the effects of gynacomastia.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What is Klinefelter's Syndrome?

According to Genetics Home Reference, Klinefelter's Syndrome is a somewhat common genetic disorder that occurs in men. Occurring before birth, the 23rd  chromosome has an extra X, meaning men with the disorder have an XXY chromosome, not the normal XY. The disease affects about 1 in every 500 men making it one of the most common genetic disorders among men.

Symptoms include smaller genitals, unusual growth of female breasts, early learning and speech disabilities, as well as strange body proportions.

Check out this video to learn more:Klinefelter's Syndrome